Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns by giving more information about their qualities, states, or attributes. Adjectives can be used to indicate the size, color, shape, texture, sound, taste, smell, and other characteristics of the noun or pronoun they modify. Examples of adjectives include "big," "red," "round," "rough," "loud," "sweet," and "fragrant." Adjectives can be placed before the noun they modify (e.g., "blue car") or after a linking verb (e.g., "The car is blue").

  1. A small, red, plastic ball
  2. This old, wooden chair
  3. An ugly, oblong, metal box
  4. That new, American, racing car
  5. A large, green, plastic bowl
Note: The order of adjectives can vary based on the speaker's preference or emphasis, and some adjectives may not fit neatly into one category.


1. The __________ dog barked at the mailman.
a) fluffy
b) quickly
c) excitedly
d) yesterday

The correct answer is a) fluffy.

In the sentence, "The __________ dog barked at the mailman," we are looking for an adjective that describes the dog. The adjective should provide information about the dog's appearance or physical characteristics.

The word "fluffy" is an adjective that describes something soft and airy, with a lot of small, light feathers or fibers. In the context of the sentence, "fluffy" would be an appropriate adjective to describe a dog that has a thick, soft coat, which could make it appear "fluffy".

The other options, "quickly," "excitedly," and "yesterday," are not adjectives and do not provide information about the dog's appearance or physical characteristics. "Quickly" and "excitedly" are adverbs that describe how the dog barked, and "yesterday" is an adverb of time that does not describe the dog at all.

2. She was __________ with the new book she just started reading.
a) interesting
b) interested
c) interestedly
d) interest

The correct answer is b) interested.

In the sentence, "She was __________ with the new book she just started reading," we are looking for an adjective that describes the state of the subject, "she," concerning the new book. The adjective should indicate whether "she" has a positive or negative response to the book. The word "interested" is an adjective that describes someone who is engaged or curious about something. In the context of the sentence, "interested" would be an appropriate adjective to describe "her" state of mind as she starts reading the new book.

The other options, "interesting," "interestingly," and "interest," are not adjectives that can modify "she." "Interesting" is an adjective that describes the book itself, not "her" reaction to it. "Interestingly" is an adverb that describes how "she" is reading the book, not her state of mind. "Interest" is a noun, not an adjective, and cannot modify "she."

3. The __________ cake was the best I've ever tasted.
a) chocolate
b) chewed
c) chewy
d) choosing

The correct answer is c) chewy.

In the sentence, "The __________ cake was the best I've ever tasted," we are looking for an adjective that describes the cake. The adjective should indicate the quality of the cake that made it the best the speaker has ever tasted.

The word "chewy" is an adjective that describes something that requires a lot of chewing or has a texture that is pleasantly elastic or rubbery. In the context of the sentence, "chewy" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the texture of the cake that made it stand out as the best the speaker has ever tasted.

The other options, "chocolate," "chewed," and "choosing," are not adjectives that can modify "cake." "Chocolate" is a noun that describes a flavor or ingredient, not the quality of the cake. "Chewed" is a past participle verb that cannot modify "cake" in this context. "Choosing" is a present participle verb that also cannot modify "cake" in this context.

4. The __________ apple pie was the perfect dessert for Thanksgiving dinner.
a) warm
b) warmed
c) warms
d) warming

The correct answer is a) warm.

In the sentence, "The __________ apple pie was the perfect dessert for Thanksgiving dinner," we are looking for an adjective that describes the apple pie. The adjective should indicate the quality of the pie that made it perfect for Thanksgiving dinner.

The word "warm" is an adjective that describes something that has a moderately high temperature, usually between room temperature and hot. In the context of the sentence, "warm" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the temperature of the apple pie, which could make it a comforting and satisfying dessert for Thanksgiving dinner. The other options, "warmed," "warms," and "warming," are not adjectives that can modify "apple pie." "Warmed" is a past participle verb that cannot modify "pie" in this context. "Warms" is a present tense verb that also cannot modify "pie" in this context. "Warming" is a present participle verb that describes the process of heating the pie, not the quality of the pie itself.

5. The __________ boy always volunteers to help others.
a) kindness
b) kind
c) kindly
d) kinds

The correct answer is b) kind.

In the sentence, "The __________ boy always volunteers to help others," we are looking for an adjective that describes the boy. The adjective should indicate a quality of the boy that makes him likely to volunteer to help others.

The word "kind" is an adjective that describes someone who is considerate, helpful, and sympathetic toward others. In the context of the sentence, "kind" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the boy's personality and his willingness to help others. The other options, "kindness," "kindly," and "kinds," are not adjectives that can modify "boy" in this context. "Kindness" is a noun that describes the quality of being considerate and helpful, but it cannot modify "boy." "Kindly" is an adverb that describes how the boy volunteers to help others, not a quality of the boy himself. "Kinds" is a noun that is not relevant to the sentence.

6. The __________ cat purred contentedly on my lap.
a) happy
b) happily
c) happiness
d) happies

The correct answer is a) happy.

In the sentence, "The __________ cat purred contentedly on my lap," we are looking for an adjective that describes the cat. The adjective should indicate a quality of the cat that is related to its emotional state or behavior.

The word "happy" is an adjective that describes a feeling of pleasure or contentment. In the context of the sentence, "happy" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the cat's emotional state as it purrs contentedly on the speaker's lap. The other options, "happily," "happiness," and "happies," are not adjectives that can modify "cat." "Happily" is an adverb that describes how the cat is purring, not a quality of the cat itself. "Happiness" is a noun that describes a feeling of pleasure or contentment, but it cannot modify "cat." "Happies" is not a word in standard English and cannot be used to modify "cat."

7. The __________ thunderstorm kept us inside all day.
a) loud
b) loudly
c) loudness
d) loudest

The correct answer is a) loud.

In the sentence, "The __________ thunderstorm kept us inside all day," we are looking for an adjective that describes the thunderstorm. The adjective should indicate the quality of the thunderstorm that affected the speaker and kept them inside all day.

The word "loud" is an adjective that describes a sound that is strong and capable of being heard from a distance. In the context of the sentence, "loud" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the thunderstorm, which produced a strong and noisy sound that kept the speaker inside all day.

The other options, "loudly," "loudness," and "loudest," are not adjectives that can modify "thunderstorm." "Loudly" is an adverb that describes how the thunderstorm produced its sound, not a quality of the thunderstorm itself. "Loudness" is a noun that describes the volume or intensity of a sound, but it cannot modify "thunderstorm." "Loudest" is a superlative adjective that describes the highest level of volume or intensity, but it does not fit the context of the sentence, which does not compare the thunderstorm to other thunderstorms.

8. She wore a __________ dress to the party.
a) pretty
b) prettily
c) prettiness
d) pretties

The correct answer is a) pretty.

In the sentence, "She wore a __________ dress to the party," we are looking for an adjective that describes the dress. The adjective should indicate a quality of the dress that is related to its appearance. The word "pretty" is an adjective that describes something attractive, pleasing to the eye, or aesthetically pleasing. In the context of the sentence, "pretty" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the dress, which is likely to be visually appealing.

The other options, "prettily," "prettiness," and "pretties," are not adjectives that can modify "dress." "Prettily" is an adverb that describes how the dress was worn, not a quality of the dress itself. "Prettiness" is a noun that describes the quality of being attractive, but it cannot modify "dress." "Pretties" is not a word in standard English and cannot be used to modify "dress."

9. The __________ scent of the flowers filled the room.
a) fragrant
b) fragrantly
c) fragrance
d) fragrances

The correct answer is a) fragrant.

In the sentence, "The __________ scent of the flowers filled the room," we are looking for an adjective that describes the scent of the flowers. The adjective should indicate a quality of the scent that is related to its pleasantness or intensity.

The word "fragrant" is an adjective that describes something that has a pleasant or sweet smell. In the context of the sentence, "fragrant" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the scent of the flowers, which is likely to be pleasant and strong enough to fill the room.

The other options, "fragrantly," "fragrance," and "fragrances," are not adjectives that can modify "scent." "Fragrantly" is an adverb that describes how the flowers smelled, not a quality of the scent itself. "Fragrance" is a noun that describes a pleasant or sweet smell, but it cannot modify "scent." "Fragrances" is a plural noun that describes different types of scents, but it does not fit the context of the sentence, which refers to the scent of a specific group of flowers.

10. The __________ mountains were covered in snow.
a) majestic
b) majestically
c) majesty
d) majesties

The correct answer is a) majestic.

In the sentence, "The __________ mountains were covered in snow," we are looking for an adjective that describes the mountains. The adjective should indicate a quality of the mountains that is related to their appearance or grandeur.

The word "majestic" is an adjective that describes something that is grand or impressive in appearance or size. In the context of the sentence, "majestic" would be an appropriate adjective to describe the mountains, which are likely to be large and imposing in appearance. The other options, "majestically," "majesty," and "majesties," are not adjectives that can modify "mountains." "Majestically" is an adverb that describes how the mountains appeared or moved, not a quality of the mountains themselves. "Majesty" is a noun that describes grandeur or impressive beauty, but it cannot modify "mountains." "Majesties" is a plural noun that refers to kings or queens, and it does not fit the context of the sentence.