We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
    1. National Territory
    2. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
    3. Bill of Rights
    4. Citizenship
    5. Suffrage
    6. Legislative Department
    7. Executive Department
    8. Judicial Department
    9. Constitutional Commissions
    10. Local Government
    11. Accountability of Public Officers
    12. National Economy and Patrimony
    13. Social Justice and Human Rights
    14. Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports
    15. The Family
    16. General Provisions
    17. Amendments or Revisions
    18. Transitory Provisions